Friday 7 July 2017

Melinda's Personal Testimony on "Carring on the Way" for Frontida March - June 2017

Melinda du Plessis


Frontida Outreach family we love you!


What a privilege to be a part of such a journey for you, but also for each of us.
I’ve found that God’s picture and ways are so much bigger than ours, I pray that each person involved will one day see the impact of this on their lives – in South Africa where Marina ministered, the worship team, the church that was given for the worship evening, everywhere we walked and people saw us or asked us about why we were walking, everyone who joined us for a day, everyone who drove us around and gave us lodging, everyone that came for a massage so I could afford to participate in the journey, everyone who prayed for us, everyone who gave a donation, who bought any of Marina’s products etc. as well as everyone who benefited in Thailand.
God is making ways in every area of our lives, relationships and ministries. All glory to Him.


I loved supporting Sandra in this project as she has always supported me in all my projects. I loved witnessing breakthrough and building of faith and inner strength on this journey in all our lives.
I loved the time spent with Kayla, her exuberance and joy, talking my ear off. The three of us laughed constantly, almost cried, sighed, prayed, counselled each other, walked, ate, slept, ached, rested, got frustrated, yelled and took a lot of ‘selfies’ together – all the while God building us into stronger warriors and women in His Kingdom.
I believe this was not a pilgrimage of hope, but of overcoming, learning perseverance through obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Immeasurable in value.


For me spending time in nature is the same as climbing on God’s lap and resting against His chest, listening to His heartbeat, feeling His arms and love folding around me – I see and experience Him in every little detail.
I feel spoiled to have had this Caring on the Way journey with Him for you, in all blessing.


Arrangements and costs to be away for two weekends a month for four months plus the physical toll to walk 13 – 30 km’s a day in places you’ve never been with really bad directions, two days in a row, mostly 3 women alone, was really hard on the body, mind and spirit.
But, so worthwhile.


Thank you Frontida Outreach for the opportunity to carry your cross and name on our backs for a while, proclaiming God’s work in and through you.
Looking forward to spent time with you on your next visit!

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