An idea flown from God’s heart into our hearts around a
kitchen table to hike the Overberg Pilgrimage of Hope for Frontida Outreach
Thailand turned into a unforgettable event.
After 4 four months (8 weekends) 321km’s of hiking . . . we are still catching
our breaths.

We tackled this hike which started from Stellenbosch and went through the towns Pniël, Franchhoek, Villierdorp, Genadendal, Hermanus, Gansbaai, Baardskeerdersbos, Elim and Agulhas with many farms, mountains and beaches in-between.
It was a profound journey on so many levels for us, and for our Frontida family as well.

With every step, our prayers were for breakthroughs where the seeds of the Good News could fall.

We truly believe with our whole hearts that while hiking the
beautiful but sometimes very long and difficult landscapes, God received and
has already answered prayers for Frontida Outreach according to His will.
Sandra Joubert,
Melinda du Plessis and Kayla Bester
March – June 2017

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