John 13:35 - "If you love each other, everyone will know that you are my disciples." . . . It is sad to witness how our Christians have different opinions and interpretations on this important statement Jesus is making.
As time goes on we experience the awesomeness of God every day of our life here in Kanthararom. For us it is proof that we serve a GREAT and MIGHTY GOD. At the two community schools we serve here, Marina works with the toddlers up to eleven years old. I, on the other hand work with the teenagers from age twelve to sixteen. We serve the entire school in one day every week. Just wonderful. That is apart from our Saturday groups of children we spend time with. All in all, we see on average four hundred and forty children on a weekly basis. Luckily they are all in small groups so it is easy to control
Speaking of teenagers - my Saturday teenager group is really starting to blossom. The relationship build is awesome and such a blessing from God. They are so naive and is starting to chat more easily now. We have been talking and sharing a lot with each other and a month ago we donated each one a cartoon based Bible. They took it home and most of them started to read it. One of the children said to me the other day – “ Abraham must have been a special father because what father will sacrifice his sun for his God. " . . in my mind I said to him - "and u have not even read or heard about Jesus yet." All I told him was that Abraham was a great man and we'll get to him in time. We have just discussed and worked through the story of the Garden of Eden.
The Frontida kids are growing in numbers as God ads them on. The teachers from the schools we visit even bring their own children to us on a Saturday. We are so glad but - we are waiting patiently for God to reveal His plan for the citizens of Kanthararom.
Joey (he is from the USA) is currently doing his DTS at YWAM, Ubon Ratchathani. It was wonderful for Joey to have played with the children. It was nice to have had the young man with us. We had wonderful chats, quite times, eating, play some tennis and shared stories. Exciting to see and hear how God is preparing Joey for his calling that he heard from God. Praise God for that. It was also nice to have an extra pair of hands to help us with the children.
Seven School teachers in Sisaket province will retire coming end September 2015. We were fortunate to be invited by the Sisaket Education Department to attend their farewell function for the seven employees about to be called pensioners.
We also had our first gathering of South African missionaries working here in Thailand. There were missionaries who could not attend due to operational commitments that could not be moved. Other missionaries had outreach groups with them. We pray that God will bless us next year to be able to have our second South African Missionary gathering if it is in He’s will. This was our first South African missionary gathering and it was unbelievable to see and experience how God draws the ties between all South Africans to be much tighter. Hearts were shared, we had each other’s tears whipped off, laughed and told stories. But the spiritual connection was indescribable. So many prayers, helping hands and sharing of the Word was something special. The Holy Spirit was omnipresent all the time. We praise God that He made this possible for all of us.
Prayer requests:
• Friends, we still trust God for the car and a bigger house for we need the space for our ministry. We will really appreciate your help on this matter.
• Johann & Edna van Tonder are on their way to come visit us from 3 – 6 October. Please pray for their safe journey and that they have an enjoyable outreach / visit here with lots of fun. For both of them, it is their first visit to Thailand.
• Please pray for the children that are so easily captured for "Human Trafficking." Pray that God will break down this epidemic that causes big problems.
Also remember that you can follow us on Facebook under - FRONTIDA OUTREACH and our blog - FRONTIDATHAILAND.BLOGSPOT.COM
You are our fans and anchors in prayer. Thank you for enabling us to our ministry, Frontida Outreach, can proclaim the Gospel here in Kanthararom, Thailand. If your financial support for our ministry to do, you can use the bank details below.
The Lord of the harvest bless each of you abundantly
Andre Olivier & Marina
Bank details:
Capitec Bank
Savings acc 1317286438
Branch code 470010
or for International Donations
Andre Olivier
Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited
Savings acc 4870604313
Swift code BKKBTHBK
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