We need your help with the 2 below mentioned Christmas projects.
Christmas child shoebox project:
We intend to bless (spoil) as many children as we can here in Kanthararom with a shoe box / gift this coming Christmas. The gift will not only include a personal gift but will also contain spiritual material to be used. We have worked out an estimated budget of R60 (US$5) per box/gift. If God lays it on your heart to contribute financially to this project, you can use the banking details below with reference -Kids Xmas
Christmas family cardboard box project:
We intend to bless the needy families in our village with a cardboard box filled with non-perishable products this coming Christmas time. Spiritual material will also be included. The cost (budget) to fill a cardboard box / gift is R150 (US$12). If God lays it on your heart to contribute financially to this project, you can use the banking details below with reference - Family xmas.
Ons het u hulp nodig om die2 onderstaande beoogde projekte moontlik te maak:
Kersfees kinder-skoenboks projek:
Ons beoog om soveel moontlik Kanthararom kinders elk met n skoenboks/geskenk te 'bederf' hierdie komende kersfees tyd. Die geskenk sal nie net n persoonlike bederf insluit nie, maar sal ook geestelike materiaal bevat. Die kostes verbonde aan 1 skoenboks/geskenk beloop R60 (US$5). Indien God dit op jou hart lê om finansieel by te wil dra vir hierdie projek kan bydraes aan ondergenoemde bankrekening gemaak word met verwysing - Kinders Kers
Kersfees gesin-kartonboks projek:
Ons beoog om soveel moontlik behoeftige gesinne in ons village te “bless” met n kartonboks vol nie-bederfbare produkte hierdie komende kersfees tyd. Geestelike material sal ook ingesluit word. Die kostes verbonde aan 1 karton boks/geskenk beloop R150 (US$12). Indien God dit op jou hart lê om finansieel by te wil dra vir hierdie projek kan bydraes aan ondergenoemde bankrekening gemaak word met verwysing – Gesin Kers.
Bank details:
Capitec Bank
Savings account 1317286438
Branch code 470010
International donations:
Andre Olivier
Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited
Savings account 4870604313
Swift code BKKBTHBK
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