So, Marina will be attending the Duke language school in Bangkok for the month of March. She will be doing module 1 as part of our determination to give 110% of our time to learn Thai language officially. I (Andre) will be at home carrying on with our daily ministry in Kanthararom. I have a "one to one" personal tutor in Kanthararom which we stumbled on last month. On the downside I can only have class once a week due to the fact that she also has a day job.
Marina on the other hand will be having class every day for 3 hours a day. We are going to do the same curriculum, each with a different teacher. Friends of ours blessed us with a extra module 1 lesson book which we are thankful for. There is 10 students attending the Duke language school module 1 course. All from different nations off course. Duke is better known as one of the best Thai language schools in Thailand so we are truly great full for this opportunity.
Marina has to travel by bus and train everyday to the language school here in Bangkok. an everyday routine for the next month :( There is a tough time awaiting for her as there is no one we know who stays in the area where she will be staying the next month on her own. Wonderful opportunity to connect with the locals in a way where she can practice on what she learned for the day but then again this is Bangkok and not our local town in the Isaan district where people are more friendly and helpful. We are also entering the "hot season" of Thailand now so yes, travelling back and forth every day won't be easy for Marina.
And why not laugh or smile to the funny food or business names you experience here in Thailand.