Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Newsletter June 2015

Well, the big news going around these days are the legality of gay marriage in America.    Just for the record, Frontida Outreach represents a marriage between one man and one woman as ordained by God.
We are getting quite busy here in Kanthararom.   Many unreached are being reached with the love of Jesus.    God opened doors for us at two local schools here in Kanthararom.    Bankamneam School and BanKhlo School are the names of the schools.   There are about five hundred children in the two schools together.    Every Thursday we have four hours to "teach" at the schools.    It means Marina and I are every second Thursday at one of the schools.   The ages of the children range from 7-15 years old.    But the wonderful news of this is that both principals gave us free access to tell the children about Jesus.    Praise God for this privilege that we have.

The monthly visits to "Jan" (SA brother in Christ who is  in prison here in Bangkok) are also a testimony on its own.   "Jan" has to serve 19 years’ and is currently 46 years old.    I have the upmost respect for "Jan."    He is currently a third year Theology student and God uses "Jan" to build His Kingdom in prison in the most amazing ways imaginable.    "Jan's" studies are limited in terms of research material (Thai jails are quite strict for admission of books etc.) and despite this, he still gets above average marks on his essays and exams.    We praise the Lord for "Jan's" incredible work and passion in spreading the Gospel in prison.   He is truly an inspiration to me.   The saying – Blossom where God plants you – in “Jan’s” story.
Two weeks ago the YWAM team from Ubon Ratchathani came to serve the Frontida Kidz with games and songs.   We have it as a surprise to the children and they were so excited when the YWAM team arrived.    For three hours they played games and learned some Christian Kids songs.   The children (and we) had so much fun.    Last Saturday, the children sang songs again and hummed all day long as we continued with our Saturday classes.    We know and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit among the children.    We just need to persevere to serve them with the love of Jesus.

I help a group of teenagers with English Communication every Saturday afternoon.    The door for the Gospel opened when the children started to ask questions of Christianity.   I gave everyone a copy of our animated Thai Bibles.   They were so anxious to start reading and could not wait for the class to finish so that they could go home and start reading.   Obviously they have homework to do on the discussions we had.   One little step at a time.

In two weeks' time Ziggy and Charisse Le Roux of Paarl will arrive here for a few days on an outreach.    We are excited to see and fellowship with fellow South Africans for a change.
At the end of July we will attend YWAM's two yearly Great Commission Conference in Hua Hin.    The conference is 4 days long.    We look forward to the conference where everyone "fellowship" and sharing methods, thoughts and ideas in taking the Gospel to the unreached.    We praise God for what will happen at the conference.  
Prayer requests:

·          Friends, we still trust God for the car that we need and to improve our home here in Kanthararom.    We will appreciate your prayers for God’s provision on this.
·          Please pray for the possibility to get some more stationary, toys and learning materials that can be used for the children.    Currently, the average age of the group is between 7-10 years old.
·          Pray for Ziggy and Charisse Le Roux's outreach to Thailand.
·          Please pray for YWAM's conference in July.     Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill every member attending with insight and wisdom for the conference.   Pray with us for financial provision to attend the conference.
Also remember that you can follow us on our   Facebook page   under - FRONTIDA OUTREACH
You are our friends and anchors in prayer.   Thank you for enabling Frontida Outreach to proclaim the Gospel here in Kanthararom, Thailand.    If you want to make financial support to our ministry,   you can use one of the two following bank details below.
May The Lord of the harvest bless each one of you abundantly.

Bank details:
Capitec Bank                                               
Savings acc 1317286438                        
Branch code 470010
                   or for International Donations
Andre Olivier
Bangkok Bank
Savings acc 4870604313
Swift code BKKBTHBK

Monday, 29 June 2015

Nuusbrief Junie 2015

Liefste vrinne

Nou ja, die groot nuus nou in die rondte is natuurlik die wettigheid van homoseksuele huwelike in Amerika.   Net vir die rekord, Frontida Outreach staan vir ‘n huwelik tussen een man en een vrou soos deur God ingestel.

Ons raak lekker bedrywig nou hier in ons geweste.   Soveel onbereiktes wat bereik word met die liefde van Jesus.   God het vir ons deure oopgemaak by twee plaaslike gemeenskap skole hier in Kanthararom.   Bankamneam skool en BanKhlo skool is die twee skole se name.   Daar is so vyf honderd kinders in die twee skole saam.   Elke Donderdag het ons vier ure om “klas te gee” by die skole.   Dit beteken ek en Marina  is elke tweede Donderdag by ‘n skool.   Die ouderdomsgroepe van die kinders wissel van 7 – 15 jaar oud.   Maar die wonderlike nuus van dit is dat beide skoolhoofde ons vrye toegang gegee het om die kinders van Jesus te vertel.   Prys die Here vir hierdie voorreg wat ons het.

Die maandelikse besoeke na “Jan” (mede SA burger) in een van die tronke in Bangkok is ook ‘n getuienis op sy eie.   “Jan” het nog 19 jaar tronkstraf om uit te dien en is tans 46 jaar oud.   Ek het baie respek vir “Jan.”   Hy is tans in sy derde jaar om Teologie te studeer en God gebruik “Jan” om Sy Koninkryk uit te bou in die gevangenis op die ongelooflikste maniere denkbaar.   “Jan” se studies is beperk wat navorsings materiaal betref (Thai tronke is maar streng vir toelating van boeke ens) en ten spyte van dit, kry hy nogsteeds bogemiddelde punte op sy take.   Ons prys die Here vir “Jan” se ongelooflike werk en passie om die Evangelie in die tronk te versprei.  Hy is voorwaar n inspirasie vir leuse  ‘Blom waar God jou plant’.

Die YWAM Ubon  span het twee weke gelede die Saterdag Frontida Kidz kom bedien met speletjies en sang.   Ons het dit geheim gehou vir al die kinders en hulle was so opgewonde toe die YWAM span opdaag.   Vir drie ure lank was daar gespeel en Geestelike kinderliedjies geleer.   Die kinders (en ons) het soveel pret gehad.  
Verlede Saterdag het die kinders weer die liedjies gesing en heeldag geneurie  soos ons aangaan met die klassies.   Ons weet en voel die werking van die Heilige Gees tussen die kinders.   Ons moet net volhard om hulle te bedien met die liefde van Jesus

Ek het laas Saterdag aan die tienergroepie waarby ek betrokke is  elkeen n Thai “kinder”  Bybel oorhandig.  Hulle was so angstig om te begin lees en kon nie wag vir die klastyd om verby te gaan nie.  Ek beleef elke week hoe hierdie ‘groen koring’ ryp word.

Oor twee weke kom Charisse en ZiggyLe Roux van die Paarl  vir ‘n paar dae na ons toe op n uitreik.   Ons is opgewonde om weer bietjie van ons “eie mense” te sien en mee te “fellowship.”

Aan die einde van Julie woon ons  YWAM se twee jaarlikse Thai konferensie in Hua Hin by.   Die konferensie is 4 dae lank.   Ons sien uit na die konferensie waar almal “fellowship” en metodes, gedagtes en idees uitruil oor alle manier hoe om die Evangelie na die onbereiktes te neem.   Ons prys die Here vir wat gaan gebeur by die konferensie.

•         Vrinne, ons vertrou nogsteeds op God vir die motor wat ons benodig en vir die verbetering aan ons huisie hier in Kanthararom.   Ons sal julle gebede vir Sy guns en voorsiening regtig waardeer.
•         Bid asseblief vir die moontlikheid om nog aanskaffing van speelgoed en opleidingsmateriaal wat ons vir die kinders kan gebruik.   Huidiglik is die ouderdomsgroep gemiddeld tussen 7-10jaar oud.
•         Bid vir Ziggy en Charisse Le Roux se uitreik na Thailand.
•         Bid asseblief vir die YWAM se twee jaarlikse konferensie einde Julie.   Bid dat die Heilige Gees elkeen teenwoordig sal vul met insig, krag enwysheid. Bid ook saam met ons  vir  voorsiening.

Julle is my en Marina se ondersteuners en ankers in gebed.  Dankie dat julle ons twee in staatstel om met ons bediening, Frontida Outreach, die Evangelie te kan verkondig hier in Kanthararom, Thailand.  

Indien julle finansiële ondersteuning wil maak tot ons bediening,  kan julle van een van die twee onderstaande bankbesonderhede gebruik maak   
Die Here van die oeste sëen elkeen van julle ryklik.


Capitec Bank
Spaar rek: 1317286438
Takkode:  470010
Andre Olivier
Bangkok Bank
Spaar rek: 4870604313
Swift kode ;  BKKBTHBK

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Who is the King of me? I'll tell you J E S U S - 27 June 2015

FRONTIDA KIDS & CRAFT - Who is the King of the jungle, who is the King of the sea, who is the King of the universe and who is the King of me?    I'll tell you J E S U S. He is the King of me, the jungle, the sea and the universe...........

















Thursday, 25 June 2015

Bankamneam School 25 June 2015

Frontida Outreach caring, helping and giving..................