Thursday, 30 April 2015
Monday, 27 April 2015
focus / fokus
Goeie dag almal / Good Day all!
In Suid Afrika vier die land se burgers vandag "vryheid"....
die gedenking aan die eerste demokratiese verkiesing.
Die land vier vandag sy mondigwording!
South Africa is celebrating its 21st birthday!
What does it mean for YOU...Freedom day.
... that Christ set you free?
Free from sin's strong hold..
free from bondage and free from chaos.
Ons stuur vir julle vrede en liefde uit Thailand.
Saturday, 25 April 2015
Frontida Kids learns with Joy
Frontida Kids
.....learning with joy
These children are is our care and their bright eyes tell of a bright future.
We want to instill in them a new grace... a new truth. They must hear of Jesus.
if you feel that you want more detail about our mission;
Please visit our site:
Andre shares his teaching and insight in more detail there.
Be blessed
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Frontida Kids.......... dreaming
Sunday, 19 April 2015
Frontida kinderbediening / Frontida kids-care
Frontida Kids ..... having fun while learning
Apart from writing, the kids are also learning by drawing.
Although it is school holidays here in Thailand Frontida Kids are happy to join in fun learning during their holiday break.
We are missing our kids who are visiting their family elsewhere. We hope to see them all back after the holidays.
Please pray with us for their safe return.
Apart from writing, the kids are also learning by drawing.
Although it is school holidays here in Thailand Frontida Kids are happy to join in fun learning during their holiday break.
We are missing our kids who are visiting their family elsewhere. We hope to see them all back after the holidays.
Please pray with us for their safe return.
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Newsletter - March 2015
Frontida Outreach Newsletter March 2015
Dearest friends,
As long as there is still a "today", pray and encourage one another daily so that none of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin (Hebrews 3:13) . . . We need to look for mentors. Looking for a mentor who puts Christ on his heart first above all else.
Our house is full again. Marina is back after staying for some extra weeks longer in South Africa. She had a memorable time in ministering and had a wonderful time with the grandchildren and children. Our new born grandchild was a merely two weeks old when I came back. Marina had spent a little bit more time and also attended the Christening of little Stiaan. All glory to God for everything and more that occurred during the home visit time. We also pray for the outflows to the glory of His Kingdom of Spirit-filled times spend with individuals, groups and families.
The last six weeks have been a busy time here. Not only did Frontida Kidz got back in full swing with newly inspired ideas, materials and doctrines, but the addition of our "advance English" classes on Tuesday evenings we're also started. The individuals come with a great expectation for the classes and we are grateful for that.
There is a fellow South African who is in one of Bangkok's prisons with whom we have had crossed paths over time. Gerrit Booyens from Church Bangkok visited him on a monthly basis. Gerrit and his wife Lisa are nearing their end-time here in Thailand in their ministry. In December, 2014 the Lord brought it to my heart, to visit the individual in the prison on a monthly basis. I did not know Gerrit and Lisa are slowly preparing for their return to Sweden after fifteen years here in Thailand. When I discussed God’s command to me visiting the individual in prison with Gerrit in February, Gerrit told that he had been praying for someone to come forward in taking over his role in connection with the visit, and liaison to the individual's family in South Africa. God is always one step ahead of us. Although the visit is just thirty minutes or sometimes twenty minutes long, and given the distance between Bangkok and Kanthararom of six hundred miles apart, I at first wondered if the distance would be a problem in travelling to Bangkok and back? All this effort for just thirty minutes or even less. Again, it was now my human thoughts to God's command, but when I visited the individual two weeks ago with Gerrit . . . well, I wish that I could visit the individual on a weekly basis. I realized then that six hundred kilometers to travel for thirty minutes visited, and travel all the way back again . . . no money can buy that precious thirty minutes and what it means for the individual.
Monsoon time is at hand again. The weather is slowly beginning to turn and we look forward with excitement to the greenery and natural beauty of Thailand during the monsoon time. It is excessively hot right now.
We had the privilege to visit Danie and Marina Krynauw in Pattaya. They have been in Pattaya for more than twenty years already. They are standing in charge of the Pattaya International Church, as well as a Thai church in Koh Si Chang Island. Two huge ministries they run. We praise the Lord for sending us to them for a few days to learn more about missionary work here in Thailand. Especially their knowledge children ministry. We are amazed at how God uses them for His Kingdom expansion but we also stand in amazement on their obedience to God's Word. Their love for God is portrayed in every step, movement, word and deed they take on. Two precious disciples
Prayer requests:
· Friends, we urgently need a car. We are challenged to extend Frontida Outreach and some places of serving is far out of town. Even in other provinces. We need to transport goods, transfer the Frontida Kidz to Sunday school and more. Monsoon season starts very soon and with much rain, it makes life a bit difficult for us to operate with the one motorcycle we have. We need about R200 000 ($17 500) for a good second hand car to buy. We ask that you will please help pray that God will provide resources in order to buy a vehicle.
· Please also pray that God will open doors for us for a bigger house where we can accommodate the expanded children's ministry.
You and all of our friends are anchors in prayer. Thank you for your support in order for us, Frontida Outreach, to spread the Gospel here Kanthararom, Thailand.
Kind regards
Andre & Marina Olivier
Bank account: Frontida Outreach, Capitec Bank, Savings account 1317286438, Branch code 470010
Dearest friends,
As long as there is still a "today", pray and encourage one another daily so that none of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin (Hebrews 3:13) . . . We need to look for mentors. Looking for a mentor who puts Christ on his heart first above all else.
Our house is full again. Marina is back after staying for some extra weeks longer in South Africa. She had a memorable time in ministering and had a wonderful time with the grandchildren and children. Our new born grandchild was a merely two weeks old when I came back. Marina had spent a little bit more time and also attended the Christening of little Stiaan. All glory to God for everything and more that occurred during the home visit time. We also pray for the outflows to the glory of His Kingdom of Spirit-filled times spend with individuals, groups and families.
The last six weeks have been a busy time here. Not only did Frontida Kidz got back in full swing with newly inspired ideas, materials and doctrines, but the addition of our "advance English" classes on Tuesday evenings we're also started. The individuals come with a great expectation for the classes and we are grateful for that.
There is a fellow South African who is in one of Bangkok's prisons with whom we have had crossed paths over time. Gerrit Booyens from Church Bangkok visited him on a monthly basis. Gerrit and his wife Lisa are nearing their end-time here in Thailand in their ministry. In December, 2014 the Lord brought it to my heart, to visit the individual in the prison on a monthly basis. I did not know Gerrit and Lisa are slowly preparing for their return to Sweden after fifteen years here in Thailand. When I discussed God’s command to me visiting the individual in prison with Gerrit in February, Gerrit told that he had been praying for someone to come forward in taking over his role in connection with the visit, and liaison to the individual's family in South Africa. God is always one step ahead of us. Although the visit is just thirty minutes or sometimes twenty minutes long, and given the distance between Bangkok and Kanthararom of six hundred miles apart, I at first wondered if the distance would be a problem in travelling to Bangkok and back? All this effort for just thirty minutes or even less. Again, it was now my human thoughts to God's command, but when I visited the individual two weeks ago with Gerrit . . . well, I wish that I could visit the individual on a weekly basis. I realized then that six hundred kilometers to travel for thirty minutes visited, and travel all the way back again . . . no money can buy that precious thirty minutes and what it means for the individual.
Monsoon time is at hand again. The weather is slowly beginning to turn and we look forward with excitement to the greenery and natural beauty of Thailand during the monsoon time. It is excessively hot right now.
We had the privilege to visit Danie and Marina Krynauw in Pattaya. They have been in Pattaya for more than twenty years already. They are standing in charge of the Pattaya International Church, as well as a Thai church in Koh Si Chang Island. Two huge ministries they run. We praise the Lord for sending us to them for a few days to learn more about missionary work here in Thailand. Especially their knowledge children ministry. We are amazed at how God uses them for His Kingdom expansion but we also stand in amazement on their obedience to God's Word. Their love for God is portrayed in every step, movement, word and deed they take on. Two precious disciples
Prayer requests:
· Friends, we urgently need a car. We are challenged to extend Frontida Outreach and some places of serving is far out of town. Even in other provinces. We need to transport goods, transfer the Frontida Kidz to Sunday school and more. Monsoon season starts very soon and with much rain, it makes life a bit difficult for us to operate with the one motorcycle we have. We need about R200 000 ($17 500) for a good second hand car to buy. We ask that you will please help pray that God will provide resources in order to buy a vehicle.
· Please also pray that God will open doors for us for a bigger house where we can accommodate the expanded children's ministry.
You and all of our friends are anchors in prayer. Thank you for your support in order for us, Frontida Outreach, to spread the Gospel here Kanthararom, Thailand.
Kind regards
Andre & Marina Olivier
Bank account: Frontida Outreach, Capitec Bank, Savings account 1317286438, Branch code 470010
Nuusbrief: Maart 2015
Frontida Outreach Nuusbrief Maart 2015
Liefste vrinne,
Solank daar nog ‘n “vandag” is, moet julle mekaar elke dag aanspoor sodat niemand van julle deur die misleiding van die sonde verhard word nie (Hebreërs 3:13) . . . Die liefde soek mentors. Soek na ‘n mentor wie se hart vir Christus eerste kom bo enigiets anders.
Ons huisie is weer vol. Marina is terug nadat sy vir ‘n ruk langer agter gebly het in Suid Afrika. Sy het ‘n onvergeetlike bedieningskuier gehad. Alle eer aan God vir alles en nog meer wat tydens die tuisbesoek tyd plaasgevind het en ons bid saam vir die uitvloei tot eer van Sy Koninkryk van die Geesvervulde tye saam met individue, groepe en familie.
Die laaste ses weke was ‘n bedrywige tydjie hier. Nie alleen gaan Frontida Kidz in volle swang met nuut geinspireerde idees, materiaal en leering hardloop nie, maar die byvoeging van ons “advance Engels” klasse op Dinsdae aande maak ons opgewonde. Die individue kom met ‘n afwagting wat hulle ernstig opneem en ons is dankbaar daarvoor.
Daar is ‘n mede Suid Afrikaner wat in een van Bangkok se gevangenisse is met wie ons al te doen gehad het oor tyd. Gerrit Booyens van Bangkok besoek hom maandeliks maar Gerrit en sy lieflike vroutjie Lisa, kom nader aan hul eindtyd hier in Thailand in hul bediening. In Desember het die Here dit op my hart gebring om ook die individu maandeliks te besoek in die gevangenis. Ek het nie geweet dat Gerrit en Lisa einde se kant toe staan in hul bediening nie. Toe ek dit in Februarie met Gerrit bespreek om ook die individu te besoek, het Gerrit meegedeel dat hy al bid vir iemand om na vore te kom om sy rol oor te neem ivm die besoek en skakeling tot die individu se familie in Suid Afrika. God is ons heeltyd vooruit. Alhoewel die besoek net dertig minute of soms twintig minute lank is, en gegewe die afstand tussen Kanthararom en Bangkok van ses honderd kilometer uitmekaar, het ek vir eers gewonder of die afstand ‘n probleem sou wees om elke maand Bangkok toe te reis vir die dertig minute besoek. Dit was nou weer my menslike gedagtes teenoor God se opdrag, maar toe ek die individu twee weke gelede besoek het saam met Gerrit . . . ek wens dat ek elke week die individu kan gaan besoek. Om dan ses honderd kilometer ver te reis vir dertig minute se besoek en weer ses honderd kilometer terug te reis . . . geen geld kan daardie kosbare dertig minute koop nie.
Monsoon tyd is op hande. Die weer begin stadig sy draai maak en ons sien met groot opgewondenheid uit na die groenigheid en natuurmooi van Thailand tydens rys oeste. Die afgelope tyd was maar vaal en buitensporig warm.
Ons het die voorreg gehad om by Danie en Marina Krynauw in Pattaya te kuier. Hulle is al meer as twintig jaar besig met bediening hier in Pattaya. Hulle het onder andere die Pattaya International Church, asook ‘n Thai kerk in Koh Si Chang eiland. Twee groot bedieninge. Ons prys die Here dat Hy ons na hulle toe gestuur het om meer te gaan leer van bediening in Thailand en veral oor kinderbedieninge. Ons staan verstom oor hoe God hulle gebruik vir Sy Koninkryk uitbouing maar ook oor hulle gehoorsaamheid aan God se Woord. Hulle liefde vir God word in elke tree, beweging, woord en daad in wese uitgebeeld. Twee kosbare dissipels
- Vrinne, ons benodig dringend ‘n motor. Stadig aan brei Frontida uit en sommige plekke van bedien is ver uit die dorp uit. Selfs in ander provinsies. Ons moet goedere vervoer, Frontida Kidz Sondagskool toe neem en nog meer. Ons monsoon tyd begin alweer binnekort en met die baie rëens maak dit vir ons bitter moeilik om te funksioneer met die een motorfiets wat ons het. Ons het om en by R200 000 nodig om ‘n voertuig (tweedehands) te bekom. Help asb bid dat God die fondse sal voorsien om ten einde ‘n voertuig te kan aanskaf.
- Bid ook asseblief dat God vir ons deure sal oopmaak vir ‘n groter woning waar ons die uitgebreide kinderbediening kan huisves.
Julle is ons ondersteuners en ankers in gebed. Dankie dat julle ons in staat stel om met ons bediening, Frontida Outreach, die Evangelie te kan verkondig hier in Kanthararom, Thailand.
Die Here van die oeste sëen elkeen van julle ryklik.
Frontida Outreach
Andre Olivier - +66 (0) 9 5048 6080
Marina Olivier - +66 (0) 9 4980 2311
Adress: 27/30 Moo 5, Tandon Doom, Kanthararom,Sisaket, Thailand, 33130
Bank details: Frontida, Capitec, Savings acc 1317286438 Branch code 470010
Friday, 17 April 2015
Thailand geloofsindeling
Ons is daaglik bewus van die Thailand se oorweldigende Buddistiese orientering
zen. verligting/ "enlightenment"en 300- verksillende gode aan wie offers en wierook en blomme gegee moet word...
tragies- hartseer
Bid saam met ons vir oë wat sal oopgaan
Thursday, 16 April 2015
Donderdag- Dankies _ Thursday Gratitude
Hi Almal!
Vandag verlang ons bietjie na SA!
Wat is jou gunsteling deel van Suid Afrika... die mooi herfs wat julle tans beleef?
Waarvoor sê jy vandag 'n Donderdag- Dankie?
Die uitsien na naweek se rugby/ kaggel?
Hier is dit gans te warm vir kaggels ;)
En arme André het nog 'n nekstut ook aan! ( nog hitte! )
Bid asb dat die fisioterapie help en die werwels wat vasgedruk word; mooi verlig en dat hy weer volle en gemaklike gebruik van sy arm kan hê.
Ons sal foto'tjie stuur binnekort.
Hi All
Today, we are missing SA a little and we thought to prompt you with some gratitude questions;
like what are you grateful for in South Africa.
We see in the news and hear from friends that it is indeed a challenging time, with regards to business- interruption load shedding, crime and poor governance, but we through to focus on the positive this afternoon.
Enjoy the lovely cool weather and the beautiful autumn colours
Please pray for André's recovery; he is experiencing pins & needles in his arm and the doctor put a neck brace on.
The neck brace is to assist with the pressure which currently exists in vertebrae and causing the pain & discomfort.
We will send a photo shortly.
Vandag verlang ons bietjie na SA!
Wat is jou gunsteling deel van Suid Afrika... die mooi herfs wat julle tans beleef?
Waarvoor sê jy vandag 'n Donderdag- Dankie?
Die uitsien na naweek se rugby/ kaggel?
Hier is dit gans te warm vir kaggels ;)
En arme André het nog 'n nekstut ook aan! ( nog hitte! )
Bid asb dat die fisioterapie help en die werwels wat vasgedruk word; mooi verlig en dat hy weer volle en gemaklike gebruik van sy arm kan hê.
Ons sal foto'tjie stuur binnekort.
Hi All
Today, we are missing SA a little and we thought to prompt you with some gratitude questions;
like what are you grateful for in South Africa.
We see in the news and hear from friends that it is indeed a challenging time, with regards to business- interruption load shedding, crime and poor governance, but we through to focus on the positive this afternoon.
Enjoy the lovely cool weather and the beautiful autumn colours
Please pray for André's recovery; he is experiencing pins & needles in his arm and the doctor put a neck brace on.
The neck brace is to assist with the pressure which currently exists in vertebrae and causing the pain & discomfort.
We will send a photo shortly.
Happy Days - Gelukkige Dae
Goeie dag vriende,
Ons wil vir julle wys hoe Jesus harte sterk maak en gesond maak.
Hy gebruik sy Woord so kragtig om in kinderharte se spreek.
Kyk hierdie mooi hersfkleure ( ter ere aan ons tuisland se seisoen )
Hierdie is 'n kunsklas wat ons aangebied het met die Paasfees tema.
Good day friends.
We want to share with you how powerfully God can speak intothe hearts of children.
They are so open & receptive to His voice.
Pray with us for consistency, order and the gentle whispetsr of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you.
Saturday, 11 April 2015
nuwe lewe / New life
Vandag sê ons dankie vir nuwe lewe.
Een waar ons 'n helder mandaat het van God...
om Sy Woord te verkondig.
om die Pad gelyk te maak vir Sy koms.
Today we say thank you for new life.
We have a clear and simple mandate from God.
We need to spread His Word in Thailand.
We are doing this by engaging with the youth... the future of Sisaket- province.
We are makeing the road level for God's coming
Peace be with you.
Thursday, 9 April 2015
1 John 2 : 16
1 Johannes 2 :16
Die wêreldse dinge -
alles wat die sondige mens begeer, alles wat sy oë sien en begeer,
al sy gesteldheid op besit -
kom nie van die Vader nie, maar uit die wêreld.
Be careful what you focus on...
and what you keep in sight.
the Father teaches us what is pure and eternal and what pleases Him.
Sunday, 5 April 2015
Lukas / Luke 24:40
Goeie dag! สวัสดี !
Ons gebruik die Woord om Engelse klassies aan te bied vir die kinders.
"And when He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet..."
We use GOD's Living Word to teach them English.
The parents are aware of this and we praise the Lord for His favour.
The parents and nannies who bring the kids to us says they can feel love in the house.
Opstanding Sondag / Easter Sunday
He is risen
and He died for
the African people
the Chinese people
the Thai people
All nations...
every tongue and colour on earth.
Saturday, 4 April 2015
Saturday Stillness - Saterdag saligheid
Ons kyk vandag terug na die week en maand... en ons is dankbaar vir al die bewaring en oop deure wat die Here bewerk het hier in Thailand.
Andre was baie per motorfiets uit & tuis die laaste 7 dae en hys donderstorms en swak beligte paaie gespaar.
Dankie Heer.
Today, Saturday, we look back and review the week and month.
Tomorrow marks the start of an entirely new chapter;
Easter Sunday.
New beginnings.
Thank you Lord for your protection on our rough roads.
Friday, 3 April 2015
Paasfees se Lig in Thailand ------------- Easter's Light in Thailand
Ons laat skyn Jesus se Lig hier in 'n land waar hulle nie Paasfees vier nie.
99% van die Thai bevolking het geen insig of bewussein van die Ware Lig nie.
In die Thai -♥ is dit nog donker...
en hul glo die leuen dat hul deur middel van Buddisme "enlightened"is.
Groot is ons vreugde; ons wat die Waarheid ken.
En groot is ons verantwoordelikheid om die Waarheid te leef en te verkondig.
Geseënde Paasfees vir u en u geliefdes.
______________________________________________________ __________________
We are shining Jesus' Light here in Thailand.
Thailand does not celebrate Easter as they carry no knowledge of the Saviour's amazing Grace poured out for us on Calvary.
Sadly, the Thai people believe the lie which their native Buddism taught them;
that they are enlightened, that they can reach "heaven" through offerings, sacrifices and purchasing of gifts to the gods.
Our joy is great and equally great our responsibility to live the light and show them Jesus.
May you and your family have a Blessed Easter.
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