When we do our monthly prison ministry outreach in Bangkok, we have the two afternoons and evenings free to relax a little bit. So we go and explore a bit of Bangkok and then as always spend one evening with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are also from South Africa.

Raining season is always a difficult time for many people in Thailand. Some seasons are very good and then you get seasons or years when severe flooding takes place. Obviously depending on the amount of rain we get. This year (so far) we had severe rain storms with flooding of towns, villages and huge areas of rice fields.
Rice farmers have the risk of loosing rice crops if severe flooding takes place. The few pictures shows of some rice fields in our district that went under through the flooding. We do not have the heart to post some photos of villages (homes) that flooded. It is too sad to see and too experience.

Every 6 weeks missionaries (the ladies) from Ubon Ratchathani and Sisaket have a get together. It is a very good time for them to have "chit chats" like only girls can do. Different nations together sharing and just having normal girly talks. It is good for the soul.
Pra Kitti Kun church in Ubon Ratchathani pioneered a English speaking church as many people (foreigners) had called out for a English speaking church. Not all foreigners here can speak Thai and long to have Praise and Worship in English. God will use this church for His glory.
It is going well with our weekly Bible Study in our local market here in Kanthararom. We started off with three Christians and now we have two Catholics and four Buddhists attending to hear God's TRUTH. We are experiencing and seeing how the Holy Spirit are touching individuals hearts with the TRUTH.

We started off with Genesis (the creation), got to the garden of Eden and now we talk about "sin"
We are not suppose to have a "favorite school or child" but forgive us when we talk about Ban Makrud School a lot. It is a small village at there is only 24 kids in the school. From the youngest to the oldest, they are just so keen to learn and they are so well behaved.

Khan (boy) is only 4 years old. In one hour he finished 3 pussels all by himself. And some of them were not easy though. Faa (girl) is 7 years old and finished 8 pussels in one hour. We are so proud of them.
. . . and then little Muay . . .
she just rule the school.
At Sisaket Rajabhat University I (Andre) teach basic English conversation skills to the 4th year students. I try to build in some creativity to the classes. This month we focused on fluency when invitations were given out. Like in every university world wide you do find some characters though.
The schools are busy with many activities in August and September. Many of them are also busy on Saturdays but when we have a gap, then football is a nice way for relaxation to the boys.

Our Kanthararom Little Giants Football team is still building up. We don't just invite all the children to take to the academy in Sisaket, but patiently waiting on God to pinpoint the right ones to us.
We are planning (in God's time) to start participating in tournaments next year.
Relationship building is a key factor for us here in Kanthararom. We have a lot of friends here but we also have special friends. Our relationship is at a stage where we can openly share the Gospel to them. Obviously our "patience" are tested but all we need to do now is just to plant the seeds. God will make it grow. You just don't share the Gospel and if someone "immediately" do not accept it at first, give up and move on. After presenting you have the opportunity to show and share God's Love. in so many different ways. It is not our job to try to convince someone to follow Jesus, but just trying to be the one showing them on how and what a follower of Jesus is and why. Not always easy but we would not trade it for any other job the world has to offer. Khung, Annie (they are married) and Emma (lady in black t-shirt) are very dear to us.

We taught them on how to bake bread.