The project in renovating Ban Makruf school is 85% complete. Just a few minor repairs and painting still needs to be done. This project has been such a wonderful priviledge and a blessing both for Frontida and also our local church for some members came to help. So many testimonies to share of hearts that have been touched by the love of God given and showed. At first the teachers and some community members was wondering why we spend so much time and effort to fix up the school but after sitting with them testifying about the love Jesus has for all of us and that the whole project is a act of love for the school and community . . . they still found it difficult to understand. But as time passed by and when they realised that we don't want anything from them in return (returning a favor) they gradually accepted it and one could feel and experienced the exitement developed in them.
Thai culture like many bright colors. We told the teachers they could choose the colors they would want for their classrooms. Pink, purple, green and blue were the colors they choosed. Each classroom looks different with the colors used which is quite nice. Wooden doors and windows were painted in titanium color which blends nicely with the various colors.