What a priviledge it has been to share the Word of God at the Dutch Reform Church, Plumstead Cape Town. A small church with a big heart for missions; local and abroad. We received and experienced so much love and joy from the minister and church members. We felt so much at home with everyone - and why not, afterall we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. One big family. Scripture was from Matthew 21:1-11
Reverent Hannes Koegelenberg welcomed us to the congregation and we know this was a meeting and start of relationship building between ourselves and the church itself.
Sonja and her daughter are missionaries from Madagascer who were working there for more than 12 years already. They recentley returned from Madagascer and it was such a honor to have met them. Sonja's husband is still in Madagascer.
And then we enjoyed a wonderful barbeque lunch wit some of the church members who invited us. Their love and care for us was warmly felt and appreciated. We had fun, tears and joy as we shared stories from all over.A typical South African barbeque was amazing. We ate and ate and ate and ate and ate . . . and ate more.
It was so wonderful and warm to hear all sorts of stories from the elders remebering their yout years and also from all the funny stuff they did and experienced.

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