Saturday, 18 April 2015

Newsletter - March 2015

Frontida Outreach Newsletter March 2015

Dearest friends,

 As long as there is still a "today", pray and encourage one another daily so that none of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin (Hebrews 3:13) . . . We need to look for mentors. Looking for a mentor who puts Christ on his heart first above all else.

Our house is full again. Marina is back after staying for some extra weeks longer in South Africa. She had a memorable time in ministering and had a wonderful time with the grandchildren and children. Our new born grandchild was a merely two weeks old when I came back. Marina had spent a little bit more time and also attended the Christening of little Stiaan. All glory to God for everything and more that occurred during the home visit time. We also pray for the outflows to the glory of His Kingdom of Spirit-filled times spend with individuals, groups and families.

 The last six weeks have been a busy time here. Not only did Frontida Kidz got back in full swing with newly inspired ideas, materials and doctrines, but the addition of our "advance English" classes on Tuesday evenings we're also started. The individuals come with a great expectation for the classes and we are grateful for that.
There is a fellow South African who is in one of Bangkok's prisons with whom we have had crossed paths over time. Gerrit Booyens from Church Bangkok visited him on a monthly basis. Gerrit and his wife Lisa are nearing their end-time here in Thailand in their ministry. In December, 2014 the Lord brought it to my heart, to visit the individual in the prison on a monthly basis. I did not know Gerrit and Lisa are slowly preparing for their return to Sweden after fifteen years here in Thailand. When I discussed God’s command to me visiting the individual in prison with Gerrit in February, Gerrit told that he had been praying for someone to come forward in taking over his role in connection with the visit, and liaison to the individual's family in South Africa. God is always one step ahead of us. Although the visit is just thirty minutes or sometimes twenty minutes long, and given the distance between Bangkok and Kanthararom of six hundred miles apart, I at first wondered if the distance would be a problem in travelling to Bangkok and back? All this effort for just thirty minutes or even less. Again, it was now my human thoughts to God's command, but when I visited the individual two weeks ago with Gerrit . . . well, I wish that I could visit the individual on a weekly basis. I realized then that six hundred kilometers to travel for thirty minutes visited, and travel all the way back again . . . no money can buy that precious thirty minutes and what it means for the individual.

Monsoon time is at hand again. The weather is slowly beginning to turn and we look forward with excitement to the greenery and natural beauty of Thailand during the monsoon time. It is excessively hot right now.

We had the privilege to visit Danie and Marina Krynauw in Pattaya. They have been in Pattaya for more than twenty years already. They are standing in charge of the Pattaya International Church, as well as a Thai church in Koh Si Chang Island. Two huge ministries they run. We praise the Lord for sending us to them for a few days to learn more about missionary work here in Thailand. Especially their knowledge children ministry. We are amazed at how God uses them for His Kingdom expansion but we also stand in amazement on their obedience to God's Word. Their love for God is portrayed in every step, movement, word and deed they take on. Two precious disciples

Prayer requests:
· Friends, we urgently need a car. We are challenged to extend Frontida Outreach and some places of serving is far out of town. Even in other provinces. We need to transport goods, transfer the Frontida Kidz to Sunday school and more. Monsoon season starts very soon and with much rain, it makes life a bit difficult for us to operate with the one motorcycle we have. We need about R200 000 ($17 500) for a good second hand car to buy. We ask that you will please help pray that God will provide resources in order to buy a vehicle.
· Please also pray that God will open doors for us for a bigger house where we can accommodate the expanded children's ministry.

You and all of our friends are anchors in prayer. Thank you for your support in order for us, Frontida Outreach, to spread the Gospel here Kanthararom, Thailand.
Kind regards

Andre & Marina Olivier
Bank account: Frontida Outreach, Capitec Bank, Savings account 1317286438, Branch code 470010

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