Thursday, 16 April 2015

Donderdag- Dankies _ Thursday Gratitude

Hi Almal!

Vandag verlang ons bietjie na SA!
Wat is jou gunsteling deel van Suid Afrika... die mooi herfs wat julle tans beleef?
Waarvoor sê jy vandag 'n Donderdag- Dankie?
Die uitsien na naweek se rugby/ kaggel?
Hier is dit gans te warm vir kaggels ;)

En arme André het nog 'n nekstut ook aan! ( nog hitte! )
Bid asb dat die fisioterapie help en die werwels wat vasgedruk word; mooi verlig en dat hy weer volle en gemaklike gebruik van sy arm kan hê.

Ons sal foto'tjie stuur binnekort.


Hi All

Today, we are missing SA a little and we thought to prompt you with some gratitude questions;
like what are you grateful for in South Africa.
We see in the news and hear from friends that it is indeed a challenging time, with regards to business- interruption load shedding, crime and poor governance, but we through to focus on the positive this afternoon.

Enjoy the lovely cool weather and the beautiful autumn colours
Please pray for André's recovery; he is experiencing pins & needles in his arm and the doctor put a neck brace on.

The neck brace is to assist with the pressure which currently exists in vertebrae and causing the pain & discomfort.

We will send a photo shortly.

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