Friday 8 February 2019

Safety is important - 8 February 2019

The "old" stage of Ban Makrud was really unsafe and also very old.  Everytime the school had a function and the stage are to be used, it just grinded deeper in our hearts to fix it or break it down and buils a new one - of sement.  It was almost as if the stage was 'n time bomb ticking off for it to suck one inocent kid or adult in by giving away underneath everyone. Well, it happened.  Out with the old and in with a new semented stage.



When we broke it down we discovered that it was build on a old rusted steel frame.  Apparentley the stage was build more than 17 years ago.  So we managed to remove all the old wood and dismanteled the steal frame.


We then started to build a wall around the marked area for the stage, filled it up with sand and stamped it in.  A 15cm thick sement top was layered on and then we tiled it with beautiful tiles on top.  


Off course then came the painting around the brand new stage.  Safe . . . very safe and it looks beautiful as well.


Thursday 31 January 2019

Before and After - 1 February 2019

The project in renovating Ban Makruf school is 85% complete.  Just a few minor repairs and painting still needs to be done.  This project has been such a wonderful priviledge and a blessing both for Frontida and also our local church for some members came to help.  So many testimonies to share of hearts that have been touched by the love of God given and showed.  At first the teachers and some community members was wondering why we spend so much time and effort to fix up the school but after sitting with them testifying about the love Jesus has for all of us and that the whole project is a act of love for the school and community . . . they still found it difficult to understand.  But as time passed by and when they realised that we don't want anything from them in return (returning a favor) they gradually accepted it and one could feel and experienced the exitement developed in them.





Thai culture like many bright colors.  We told the teachers they could choose the colors they would want for their classrooms.  Pink, purple, green and blue were the colors they choosed.  Each classroom looks different with the colors used which is quite nice.  Wooden doors and windows were painted in titanium color which blends nicely with the various colors.





Sunday 13 January 2019

An unexpected humbled gift - 11 January 2019

We were honoured to receive a unexpected gift from Ban Makrud School on Friday, 11 January 2019 during the Thailand Youth day festivities at the schools.  These festivities were held throughout the country at the schools.

The school and community of Ban Makrud gave us each a framed certificate thanking us for our participation and work at the school and community to help increase and develop the students academic abilities.  We were caught by surprise but very humble and grateful for this wonderful gift from the school and community.  We are very proud of the school, the teachers, students and the community.  We love them all very much and are looking forward to many years of friendship and participation with the school and community.



Youth Day in Thailand - 11 January 2019

We were privileged to join in Ban Makrud School's youth day activities on Friday, 11 January.  In actual fact youth day in Thailand is always the second Saturday of January but the schools has festivity at their schools the Friday and then the community as a whole have festivities on the Saturday (youth day)

Normally it is a day of giving gifts (to the youth) to show how much everyone value them.  What was disappointing though was know one actually stood up and gave a "word of encouragement" or something in that line to the kids.  Never less, it was a fun day filled with much joy and laughter as we all enjoyed the activities with these precious kids of Ban Makrud.  They are really creeping deeper and deeper in our hearts as we spend more and more time with them.

They really took pride in themselves for dancing and performing in front of everyone attending.  No one was shy or "not in the mood" for participating.  Instead, everyone gave their all.

. . . and even little brothers and sisters who are not in school yet joined in.


The kids also participated in fun and games which was arranged/set up for them.  Everyone joined in and just wanted to play.


Parents, grandparents and friends from the village attended the festivities.


Some kids got small gifts and some large ones but all of them were so appreciated :)



Some elders of the village . . . that is the three on the left though :)

Frontida blessed all the kids each with a kite.


Thursday 20 December 2018

First Time The Truth About Christmas Is Heard - Makrud School - 20 December 2018

Today we had the opportunity together with our local church here in Kanthararom to share the real meaning, truth and story about Christmas with Ban Makrud School.  


We are so glad that the teachers also joined the afternoon and could hear the truth about Christmas.  It was the FIRST time the school heard the truth about Christmas.

First the kids enjoyed some games and Thai culture sing along songs.



After this, Tavisak and Khung (our pastor and he’s wife) shared the story and truth about Christmas.  The children and teachers listened carefully and with much enthusiasm.

Afterwards the kids were asked some questions from what was shared and they literally answered all of them.  

The story and meaning of Christmas is now with them.  The Word of God teaches us that the “lost” will “hear the Gospel” – and today as with many other days it became true.

And why not bless the unreached and unprivileged with some Christmas gifts.  We were able to prepare gifts for all the children and the teachers BUT also told them to only open it on Christmas day. 

There lies more truth about Christmas inside the presents.  The seeds are planted and with much joy and peace we know the Holy Spirit will make it grow in His time.