Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Makrud Village Outreach - 4 April 2018

This morning we had the opportunity to do a small outreach to Ban Makrud.  Most of the children or away during the school holidays visiting parents or other relatives.  But for the children who were available, they had fun.  Jomi, Art and Paul from SPM in Ubon Ratchathani joined us today and they brought their guitars and everything with to entertain the kids with some fun and games.  They really do have a gift entertaining and ministering to children and youth.  We are so grateful to be able to work with them.  

Children are always nervous before we start for they do not know what to expect.  Obviously they don't know Art, Jomi and Paul but believe me, now they know.

Firstly Art told them a funny story with a song or two and they really enjoyed and got stuck into the story.  

So the first set of games began just to warm the kids up for what's to come.

Once the kids felt comfortable and save they really started coming out their skins and enjoying every moment of the morning.

. . .  and not long, they all had some fun and laughter.

Big against small . . . mmm, who is going to win this game?

Hop, skip and jump all the way.  Big and small everyone danced around.

Jomi has his hands full with Khan being so quick to react on identifying who is behind the curtain.

Surprised by who was on the other side :)

Oh, I got you!!

Once again, Khan is the quickest of them all.

Art shared his testimony on how he became a Christian and what God is doing in his life.  The children were all quite and stared him on.  One really felt the Holy Spirit's presence today.

Art and Paul learning the kids new songs.

As always in Thailand . . . a group photo of everyone present.