Thursday, 17 May 2018

17 May 2018 - It only takes one

We visited "Tukta" at Ban Nong Song today for praise and worship (she is the ONLY CHRISTIAN in that village and sub district)  But isn't it just great that Christians can praise and worship at any place and any time.  Bring glory to God and praise Him anytime and any place.  And so what if the flies are so irritating, sand flees crawling all over with dust - forget dust but sand all over where you sit, sweat running down your face and back . . . and so much more to "complain".  BUT NOTHING OF THIS CAN STOP ONE TO PRAISE AND WORSHIP OUR GOD.  
Every Thursday when we go there, people of the village (non believers) are scooping around the house to see what we are doing.  Some deliberately sit outside their homes, watching us and listening to every song and word spoken.  They are invited and they know that.  But we are patiently waiting on God to bring them closer and closer to sit among us and hear His voice speak to them.



Ezekiel 36:22-28 was our Scripture for today.  We studied it, discussed it and prayed it in for "Thuuk Thaa" and Ban Nong Song village.

"Tukta" is the only Christian in Ban Nong Song Village.  It is really not easy to be in this situation but what a amazing warrior and disciple of Jesus Christ she is.  She encourages us so much every time we go there.  She lifts our spirit and teaches us about love, faith and hope.  

Ezekiel 36:26-28

"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will place My Spirit within you and cause you to follow My statutes and carefully observe My ordinances. Then you will live in the land that I gave your fathers; you will be My people, and I will be your God."

Saturday, 12 May 2018

12 May 2018 - What a "ball" we had

What an wonderful afternoon we had spending time with the "Ubon Spirit Football Academy".   First off all we want to bring a BIG THANKS to our friends Francois and Marietjie de Lange from South Africa taking the initiative to connect Frontida Outreach with Living Ball.  Francois and Marietjie, thank you for your participation, love and care for reaching the lost with the Gospel in so many ways.  We love, honor and appreciate you.

Then to Living Ball South Africa.  We are sure you do know what MASSIVE contribution your organisation are making to share the Gospel all over the world.  Thank you so much for your contribution, participation and more important, your love for God and His Kingdom.  


The MESSAGE of the TRUTH is clear.

2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away, and look, new things have come

This small football academy is called "Ubon Spirit".  Somsak Sufaan took the initiative as God led him to start the academy.  Somsak is also a gifted musician teaching the unprivileged playing various music instruments.


A new player to the academy . . . what a striker she is (smile)

We had the opportunity to share what Living Ball is all about and also shared some Word from God to the young players.  We love sharing the Gospel to youth as we always look back on how "lost" we were when we were kids.

. . . and the striker handing out some gift packs to.  Multi talented striker if you ask me :)

Seeds of the Good News has been shared - thumbs up . . . . and we pray that the Holy Spirit will let grow according to His will.

"No coach, I don't want to play football now.  I first want to read about Jesus Christ"

We prepared the gift packs for the academy.  Included is a animation version telling the story of the Bible.  The book is called "Good and Evil" by Michael Pearl.  The book is translated into Thai language and is a great tool to use sharing the Gospel.


We had a great time and in two weeks  we will visit Somsak's other academy sharing the Gospel and hand out some gifts with Living Ball etc.  The academy is in Amnat Charoen which is about 110km from Sisaket.  

Thursday, 10 May 2018

10 Mei 2018 - God is By Ons

Johannes 1:14
“En die Woord het vlees geword en het onder ons gewoon — en ons het sy heerlikheid aanskou, ’n heerlikheid soos van die Eniggeborene wat van die Vader kom — vol van genade en waarheid.”
Dit kan moeilik wees om 'n duidelike beeld te kry van hoe God is, veral met al die abstrakte terme wat ons gebruik om Hom te beskryf. Terme soos onsigbaar, alwetend, alomteenwoordigend, almagtig is maar net ‘n paar om te noem. Maar in Jesus verdwyn al die abstrakte en skielik is God hier. Hy loop rond in die stof met sandale op sy voete, eet etes en gaan woon troues by. Jesus het geween, gelag, geslaap en selfs in argumente betrokke geraak. Hy is regtig “GOD BY ONS.”

Wanneer Johannes sê, ". . . ons het Sy heerlikheid aanskou . . .", beteken dit nie hulle het in boeke na prentjies gaan soek en uitgeknip nie. Johannes sê: "Ons het in die straat met God se glorie geloop.” Hy het gepraat en ons is deur Sy woorde en teenwoordigheid verander. Ons het dit nie voorgestel nie, ons het dit gehoor, gesien en beleef”

Maar wat het hulle gesien?  Hoe lyk God se glorie?
Dit lyk soos 'n baba wat in 'n krip gebore is. Dit het gelyk soos 'n man wat dalk geensins of besonders aantreklik gelyk het, dalk kort of lank was, ongeag, hy het 'n groep van volgelinge gehad wat saam met Hom in Israel rondgedwaal het.  Dit het gelyk soos armoede, verwerping, vernedering en uiteindelik die dood. Dit was gewis nie wat almal verwag het nie.  

Dit is ook nie wat ons verwag nie. Maar God was en is nog nooit beperk deur wat mense verwag nie. Sy hart vir die wêreld is groter as wat ons kan voorstel - so groot dat Hy opgetree het om die sondeprobleem wat ons vir onsself geskep het, uit te sorteer. Hy het opgetree omdat Hy liefgehad het. Hy het opgetree deur die onverwagte, ondenkbare daad te laat gebeur waar God sy Seun gestuur het om vir ons (sondes en redding) te sterf.

God stuur voortdurend Sy mense om die onverwagte, onvoorspelbare dinge deur Hom te doen. Hy vra niks meer van Sy volgelinge as wat Hy self vir ons gedoen het nie.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

8 May 2018 - Bible study in Kanthararom market

We had a wonderful time today with our weekly Bible study group in the market.  We praise God for allowing us to have the freedom and opportunity to learn from His Word inside a place surrounded by darkness.  And with the presence of the Holy Spirit and his guidance, we are able to have much joy and fun as well as we dig deep into what God's Word teaches us.
It is great to have Bible study together but even greater when everyone participate in conversation and sharing thoughts from the topic on the table.  We are really hungry to learn from God's Word and with that been said, we are more eager to learn on how to apply His Word to the unreached and lost and ourselves.

Today's topic was: What is Christian Faith?


It was very hot today.  Open air in the market with just one fan running . . . Bible study is "HOT" dude :)

We also shared some testimonies on times when we do not have faith or lack off.   It was really a blessing and encouraging to hear each others voices on times we really had some doubts on our faith.  Honesty was shown today and that is the only way we can learn from each other and also encourage each other.


Khuun's smile says it all.   

Pii Ot, an elder from our church listening very carefully as we have conversations on faith.

Some of the notes from our study.

Sunday, 6 May 2018

7 Mei 2018 - Uitdagende Tye

In die wêreld beleef ons uitdagende tye. Donker sondigheid is aanhoudend aan die aanval op individue, mense groepe en die uiteinde daarvan is chaos. Suid Afrika se probleme, Noord Korea se probleme, die Midde Ooste, Asie – eintlik is die hele wêreld in een siek kringloop van die bose met eie agendas vir self verryking en mag.


Maar hoe hanteer ons as Christene dit? Hoe moet ons wat onsself Christene – volgers van Jesus noem, hierdie chaos hanteer? Ek dink ons kan diep, baie diep kyk na die Saligsprekeninge wat Jesus mee begin het by Die Bergrede. 

“Geseënd is dié wat weet hoe afhanklik hulle van God is, want aan hulle behoort die Koninkryk van die hemel”:

Dit is 'n tyd vir gebed en afhanklikheid van God eerder as om op hoogmoed se rug te ry en onsinnige uitsprake te lewer. Daar is kwessies wat nie eenvoudige oplossings het nie, daarom is God die enigste een waarop ons afhanklik van kan wees. Fokus op God se Koninkryk is ons primêre funksie.

“Geseënd is dié wat treur, want hulle sal vertroos word”

Dit is ook nou ‘n tyd waar daar magdom mense is wat treur (as gevolg van diefstal, korrupsie, moorde, kapings en nog vele meer). Agter dit word vermoed dat daar individue is met private ambisies en agendas deur mense wat magsbehep is. Maar ons moet ons skaar by die wat treur wat dit is hulle wat vetroosting nodig het in hulle tyd van lyding en ellende. Ons moet blye boodskappe bring aan hierdie individue wat treur en in nood is. Om hulle op te beur sodat hulle nie gevangenisse word as gevolg van gebeure nie, maar eerder vrylating aan te kondig.

“Geseënd is dié sagmoediges want hulle sal die nuwe aarde ontvang:”

Krisisse bring beide die beste en die ergste in mense uit. Een van die ergste kan die druk wees vir 'n sterk leierskap, vir fermer maatreëls of selfs radikale verandering. In teenstelling bied sagmoedigheid geen agenda nie. Hulle luister en soek wysheid by God wanneer hulle uitgeput en oorlaai is. Hulle ontstel hulle nie oor die voorspoedige lewens van skelms nie want dit bring net ellende en hulle weet skelms sal uitgeroei word. Sagmoediges stel hulle vertroue dag en nag op Die Here.

“Geseënd is dié wat honger en dors na wat reg is want hulle sal versadig word:”

Soos wat daar trane van hartseer vloei, is daar ook vloeiende trane met ‘n werklike begeerte vir geregtigheid en verduideliking, en eerlike reaksies. Tog is daar binne hierdie stemme soortgelyke krete wat deur woede en die honger van wraak gedryf word – die najaag van persoonlike bevrediging. Geregtigheid lê in God se hande. Wraak lê nie op Sy hart nie. God se belonging is volkome tevredenheid want ons honger en dors lê daarin om Christus te ken, die krag van Sy opstanding te ondervind en deel te hê aan Sy lyding deur aan Hom gelyk te word in Sy dood.

“Geseënd is dié wat barmhartig is, want aan hulle sal barmhartigheid bewys word.”

Barmhartigheid moet nie net getoon word tydens tye van krisisse nie. Dit is bemoedigend wat mens sien en lees, maar daar moet meer wees en dit moet voortduur wanneer die kameras weg is. Daar is nie nou tyd en plek vir liefdeloosheid nie. God se beloning is Sy genade, al verdien ons dit nie maar ons is kinders van God en Hy het ons lief daarom moet ons Sy voorbeeld volg. Ons moet ‘n lewe van liefde lewe soos Christus vir ons gelewe het.

“Geseënd is dié wat rein van hart is want hulle sal God sien:”

Dit is maklik om deel te neem aan proteste wat chaoties is, te plunder en klippe te gooi. Bedrog en om skelm te wees is aanvaarbaar solank jy nie uitgevang word nie. Stel jouself voor wat sou gebeur het as Jesus nie ‘n hart van reinheid gehad het nie. Ons moet seker wees dat in wat ons sê en doen, ons werklik die welvaart van ander soek, eerder as om ons voorspoed te soek. Die wêreld ken nie vir God nie maar ons ken Hom. Ons weet nie wanneer Jesus kom nie, maar omdat ons kinders van God is weet ons dat wanneer Jesus kom ons soos Hy sal wees. Ons sal Hom sien soos Hy werklik is. As ons hierdie verwagting in verband met Jesus koester sal ons onsself rein hou soos Jesus rein was/is.

“Geseënd is dié vredemakers want hulle sal kinders van God genoem word:”

Miskien is die mees ontstellende element van hierdie tye die gevoel van onenigheid; van faksies, van gemeenskappe wat in toenemende bittere terme van “hulle” en “ons” praat. Vredemaking kan ‘n seën vir elkeen van ons wees as ons vrede vir almal gun en toewens. God gee vir ons ‘n kykie na die riglyn van ‘n Christelike lewe in Romeine . . . net dalk moet ons dit met insig bestudeer en toepas.

En ten laaste - "Geseënd is dié wat vervolg word omdat hulle doen wat reg is, want aan hulle behoort die Koninkryk van die hemel. Geseënd is julle wanneer die mense julle ter wille van My beledig en vervolg en valslik als wat sleg is van julle sê. Wees bly en verheug, want julle loon is groot in die hemel. Hulle het immers die profete voor julle net so vervolg”

Die laaste en langste van die Saligsprekinge is die moeilikste. Jesus sê om al hierdie dinge te doen is nie 'n maklike pad na gewildheid en lof nie. Inteendeel, om 'n vredemaker te wees moet verseker word dat hy deur beide kante vertroue, gehaat en aangeval word. Jesus het geleer wat Hy geleer het want Hy het geweet waaroor Hy gepraat het.

Dit is uitdagende tye, maar dit is ook tye van groot geleenthede. Geleenthede om te bid, te dien en miskien effens minder gemaklik - om te ly vir wat reg is.

Thursday, 3 May 2018

3 May 2018 - God at work in Ban Nwang

Today we went to visit "Tuktak" at Ban Nwang village.  Tuktak is the only Christian in the sub district so went to visit and encourage her with some Praise and Worship and prayer.  Conditions, circumstances and health is beyond our understanding on how difficult life sometimes can be when we see and hear from people living in it.  At times, Tuktak are chased away from her sisters house (that is when they all start drinking around her) and has to go stay at the church for a few days till they calm down or come to their senses . . . and this because they think she is crazy whorshipping God.  

Tuktak is a real blessing and a example to us on how she spends her time every day devoting to study the Word of God.  We learned so much from her today and she is a real blessing to us.

It was a hot day but the two hours we spend with Tuktak went so fast.  Looking forward to visit her again next week.

 "Hippo" this little boy's nickname played the guitar for us today.  "Hippo" is 11 years old.  He hanged out at church every day after school and weekends (they stay in the village where Kanthararom Church is) and Tabisak, our Pastor taught him how to play guitar.  "Hippo" is playing the guitar during Praise and Worship on Sundays at church as well.  It joys our hearts to see and witness how "Hippo" is growing up . . . . and we are waiting for the day when "Hippo" gives his heart to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Just meditating on God's Word and message for all of us.

Always some chickens around :)

We also visited "Peng", 84 year old "sweetheart" from the village.  She was paralyzed for some time and through continuous prayers she is able to sit up straight now.  God works His miracles through His own time and place - all we can do is just to keep on praying.