School is out, holiday is here. Last week four students of Makrud Community School graduated from Makrud School. From the next school year, starting end of May they will be going to Kanthararom Secondary School where they will do grade 8-12. Community schools are only until grade 7. I was honored to attend their graduation. We have been serving at Makrud School for two years already and we are really going to miss these kids. As a gift Frontida was able to give them each a children's Bible and other gifts. They really worked hard, well behaved and a blessing for the community of Makrud. It was the first graduation ceremony Frontida attended so it was quite a learning experience.
Plain and simple ideas to create a background for some pictures of the graduation. It is the idea that counts. When you drive around Makrud village and visit the community, experience the poverty state of more than half of the community, you really appreciate the simple effort the community does for the kids.
Today, Frontida was just driving through Makrud village and gave some sweet treats for the kids who were in the village. They are a real blessing to us.