Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Newsletter - July 2015

Isaiah 30:21 - and whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: “This is the way. Walk in it.” Well, the Bible teaches us that we need to know God in everything we do. It is so easy to follow our own paths.

This time, two years ago we were team members of an outreach here in Kanthararom. It was here that we clearly heard God’s voice that He want’s for us to be here in the Isaan region to share the Good News to the lost and unreached. We are so grateful and filled with inner joy to be here in Kanthararom, Sisaket where God has called us to be. How ironic is this – it rained during that time we were on the outreach here, and it is raining again. God is not a “unbelievable God”.
This photo was taken 29 July 2013- months 5 months later we were back in Kanthararom to serve the Lord here permanently

Since we have been here, God spoiled us with such joy and blessings to our ministry. Weekly we reach out to +- 250 children, a group of teenagers, two groups of adults and quite a few individuals. Sometimes it feels as if the work is too much - and we only have two pairs of hand . . . but if we see his hands and works on the people's faces and how their hearts are touched with love, we cannot but feel like eagles soaring very high.

We are walking in faith as we are on our way to Hua Hin for YWAM's National conference. We are excited for what the Lord has installed for everyone member attending the conference. We are looking forward to see our other fellow South African YWAM friends. During the conference, YWAM shares their vision for the next two years and there will be time for fellowship with all the YWAM members. Members share, build relationships and join hands together to see each one’s role and duties towards the vision statement. Marina and I are also part of the prayer group where we will intercede the day before the conference start.

All is well at the two schools (Bankamneam and Bang Khlo) where we reach out on a weekly basis. We share the Gospel by way of helping with basic English teaching and doing craft with the children. The teachers at Ban Khlo school always want copies of our prepared lessons for future use. We don’t mind for the message gets distributed far more than what we physically could have done. We praise God for this. The two communities receives us with open arms and all glory and honor to God for opening doors. It also brings out the inner child in us - but to be honest - they (the children) drains you out . . . but they are so cute, naïve and some are very naughty (a nice naughty though). We have the utmost respect for “real teachers” around the world. They have such a big role and responsibility in all communities.


The group of teens we serve every Saturday afternoon ask very direct questions regarding Christianity. It is wonderful and exciting for by the questions, we know God is opening doors to share the Good news. It is a great privilege for us to share the truth with them. We know that God has plans with this particular group of teenagers.

Ziggy and Charisse Le Roux of Paarl was visiting us for two days. It was truly a blessed and precious visit. They are such precious people. We showed them the schools and they prayed for the teachers and children. Charisse specifically, in front of several children, prayed for one of the teachers who’m has a back injury from a car accident. She immediately experienced relief of pain and it was witnessed to everyone around us. We praise God for this breakthrough and testimony to the teacher for we believe that God opened that door for us to serve the teachers and children on a supernatural way as well. There was also time to visit the YWAM base and to praises and worship with them. They also saw our town, Kanthararom, its environment and could experience and taste a bit of our life here. The bonus, off course was that they were here on my (Andre) birthday and could celebrate it with us. Always nice when "our own people" visits us. By the way, when are you coming to visit or bring a outreach team to visit us?

In the last month we made friends with two fellow brothers in Christ from Pakistan. They are doing their DTS at YWAM. We are excited for we can spend the next six months in fellowship with them. God opened doors for us in September 2013 when we met other brothers in Christ from Pakistan whom we have weekly contact with. It is great to fellowship with our brothers in understanding of their different environments from where and how they share the Good News.


Marina had an encounter with a scorpion last week. She stood on one in the kitchen one morning (it was still a bit dark) and it stunned her on the foot. Don’t know how he got into the house but never less, it was not a pleasant experience. Luckily Kanthararom hospital is less the 2km from our house so we could get her to hospital within 10 minutes after the incident for the necessary injections and medication. Within 48 hours later she was 100% again and could walk normal again. Thank you to everyone who prayed for her recovery. We praise God for her speedy recovery.

Last week we had our first "encounter" with immigration officials whom were here in Kanthararom. They accompanied three people from Cambodia to our “only” coffee shop here in Kanthararom. They just wanted to “show off a little bit” for there were other locals in the coffee shop as well. They wanted to see our passports for “illegibility” which we didn’t had on us but by just speaking and serving them with the love of Jesus they believed every word we told them regarding our visa and stay in Thailand.

Prayer requests:
· We still trust God for the car we need and for further improvements to our house. In God’s perfect timing we know He will provide for us.
· We are still in need for some more educational toys and learning materials that can be used for our Frontida children.
· Please pray for the YWAM conference and for our safe travels to and from Hua Hin. Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill every one attending the conference and give them insight, wisdom and power to carry on with their Kingdom’s work respectively.

You are our surporters and anchors in prayer. Thank you for enabling us with our ministry, Frontida Outreach, to proclaim the Gospel here in Kanthararom, Thailand. If you would like to support us financially, you can use ons ofthe bank details below.

The Lord of the harvest blesses each of you abundantly.

Andre & Marina Olivier

Bank details:
Capitec Bank
Savings acc 1317286438
Branch code 470010
or for International Donations
Andre Olivier
Bangkok Bank
Savings acc 4870604313
Swift code BKKBTHBK

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

On our way to YWAM national conference in Hua Hin- 29 July 2015

Please pray for our safely as we will be traveling to Hua Hin in a few hours. We are really excited to go and spend time together at the YWAM national conference (31 July- 4August), where we will catch the wave of God together, worship together with all we have, along with an atmosphere of receiving new anointing. We are awaiting a great mix of fellowship, fun, hearing and encouragement. We walk in faith.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Frontida Outreach- nuusbrief Julie 2015

Liewe vriende

Jesaja 30:21 – Wanneer jy die regte koers verlaat, sal jy agter jou ‘n stem hoor sê: “Hier is die pad, loop hierlangs”  Nou ja, ons leer in die Bybel dat ons God moet ken in al ons weë.   So maklik om ons eie paaie te volg.

Twee jaar terug die tyd was ons hier in Kanthararom gewees op ‘n gebedsuitreik.   Dit was hier en in die tyd dat God vir ons Sy stem duidelik laat hoor het dat Hy ons hier in die Isaan streek  wil gebruik.   Ons is so bevoorreg en opgewonde dat God ons na Kanthararom, Sisaket geroep het.  En hoe ironies – dit het ook gereën tydens daardie uitreik, net soos dit nou hier reën.   Is God nie “gelooflik” nie.  

Hier staan ons 29 Julie 2013 voor Kanthararom se half geboude kerk, 6 maande later  (Januarie 2014) het ons ons eerste diens daar by gewoon. 

Sedert ons hier is het Hy ons met soveel vreugde en seëninge bederf met ons bediening hier.   Ons reik weekliks uit na 250 kinders, n groep tieners, 2 groepe volwassenes en ‘n hele klompie individue.   Soms voel dit of die werk te veel is en ons het net twee hande elk . . . maar as ons Sy hande raaksien op die mense se gesigte en hulle harte aanvoel, kan ons nie anders voel soos arende wat hoog sweef nie.

Ons is in geloof oppad na Hua Hin toe vir YWAM se twee jaarlikse nasionale konferensie.   Ons is opgewonde oor wat die Here met ons gaan deel tydens die konferensie.  Ons sien ook vreeslik uit daarna om ons mede Suid Afrikaanse YWAM maatjies  weer te sien.   Tydens die konferensie deel YWAM hul visie vir Thailand (vir die volgende twee jaar) en almal “fellowship” met mekaar en deel, bou verhoudinge en vat hande saam om elkeen se plek en funksie in die visie raak te sien (onder jou eie bediening).  Ons sal ook  deel vorm van die gebedsgroep wat 24 uur voor die begin van die konferensie sal intree in gebed en ‘worship’ vir die konferensie.

Dit gaan goed by die twee skole (Bankamneam en Bang Khlo) waar ons weekliks uitreik na die kinders en onderwysers.  Ons deel die evangelie deur midel van die engels waarmee ons die kinders help.  Die onderwysers by Ban Khlo skool vra elke keer afskrifte van ons lesse en sodoende word die boodskap nog verder verspei as wat ons dit fisies kan doen.  Ons loof die Here hiervoor. Die twee gemeenskappe ontvang ons met ope arms en ons prys die Here vir die deure wat Hy oopgemaak het.   Dit bring ook die “kind” wees uit ons uit.    Maar om eerlik te wees – hulle (die kinders) put mens uit – al is hulle so dierbaar.   Ons het alle respek en agting vir onderwysers regoor die wêreld.   Onderwysers het ‘n groter taak en verantwoordelikheid  wat verrig moet word.

Die tiener groep wat ons  op n Saterdag middag bedien,  vra baie direkte vrae oor Christenskap. Interesant om hulle seining te hoor oor die lewe en die ontstaan daarvan.  Dit is vir ons n wonderlike voorreg om die waarheid oor oa die skepping met hulle te kan deel.  Ons weet dat God groot dinge beplan deur hierdie spesifieke groepie van 7 tieners.

Ziggy en Charisse Le Roux van die Paarl het hier by ons kom kuier/uitreik vir twee dae.   Dit was werklikwaar ‘n geseënde en kosbare besoek.   Dierbare mense.   Ons het hulle die skole gewys en hulle het vir die onderwysers en kinders gebid en bedien.  Charisse het spesifiek, ten aanskoue van n hele paar kindertjies, vir een van die onderwyseresse gebid wat n rugbesering het.  Sy het onmiddellik verligting van pyn ervaar en ook so getuig aan almal daar rond.  Sy getuig nog steeds van pynverligting. Ons loof God vir hierdie deurbraak en gebruik haar nou as aanknopings punt tot die res van die onderwysers by Bankamneam skool. Alle eer aan God. Daar was ook tyd gewees om saam met YWAM te kon lofprys en aanbidding doen en ook Kanthararom omgewing te kon sien en beleef.  Die bonus was natuurlik dat hulle met my (André) se verjaarsdag hier by ons kon wees.   Altyd lekker as “ons eie mense” kom kuier.  Wanneer kom jy kuier/uitreik hier by ons?


Ons het die afgelope maand bevriend geraak met twee mede gelowiges van Pakistan (deur YWAM) en is ons opgeownde oor die pad wat God vir ons saam met hulle beplan.  God het reeds vir ons n deur in Pakistan oop gemaak in September 2013.  Dit voed ons om direkte kontak te hê met mede gelowiges uit lande waar  die omstandigehede anders is as waaraan ons gewoont is. Ek verwys hier na anders interme van anders as in Thailand. Ons sal vir die volgende 6 maande n pad saam met Haroon en Emmanuel stap voor hulle weer terugkeer na Pakistan.

Marina het n onderonsie met n skerpioen gehad,  sy het vroeg oggend in die kombuis op die meneertjie getrap.  Was nie n baie aangename ondervinding vir haar nie, maar gelukkig kon ek haar binne 15minute by die hospitaal besorg vir die nodige inspuitings en medikasie.   Sy kon  48uur later weer 100% normaal op haar voet trap en loop.  Dankie vir elkeen wat saam gebid het vir haar herstel. Ons loof God vir Sy spoedige volkome herstel.
Ons het laasweek ons eerste ‘kennismaking’ met immigrasie beamptes gehad  hier in Kanthararom in ons enigte koffiewinkel. Die beamptes het 3 mense van Kambodja vergesel en wou duidelik net n bietjie ‘mag’ ten toonstel. Hulle het ons gevra om ons stempel te wys dat ons wettig in Thailand is.  Gelukkig kon ons met n gesindheid van Jesus al hulle vrae beantwoord en die nodige dokumente wys.

·         Ons vertrou nogsteeds op God vir die motor wat ons benodig en vir die verdere verbeterings aan ons huisie.   Ons is in afwagting op dit wat God gaan voorsien in Sy perfekte tyd.
·         Behoefte vir nog aanskaffing van speelgoed en opleidingsmateriaal wat ons vir die kinders kan gebruik.  
·         YWAM  konferensie en vir ons veiligheid tydens ons reis na Hua Hin.  Bid ook dat die Heilige Gees elkeen teenwoordig sal vul met insig, krag en wysheid.

Julle is ons ondersteuners en ankers in gebed.  Dankie dat julle ons in staat stel om met ons bediening, Frontida Outreach, die Evangelie te kan verkondig hier in Kanthararom, Thailand.   Indien julle finansiële ondersteuning vir ons bediening wil doen, kan julle van die onderstaande bankbesonderhede gebruik maak. 

Die Here van die oeste sëen elkeen van julle ryklik.

Andre & Marina Olivier

Bank besonderhede:
Capitec Bank                                              
Spaar rekening 1317286438                        
Takkode 470010
of vir Internationale Donasies
Andre Olivier
Bangkok Bank
Spaar rekening 4870604313
Swift kode BKKBTHBK

Praise and Worship time with our brothers and sisters at YWAM Ubon - 27 July 2015

Lord, I lift Your name up high. Lord, I love to sing Your praises. What a blessing to worship God with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Lord You are everything to us.






Saturday, 25 July 2015

Life is a song.....sing it

Amee and Samsang enjoying themselves in class singing..... (Bankamneam school). Amee and Samsang it part of Frontida Kids.

Friday, 24 July 2015